Negative self-talk can drive you to overeat as a way to calm yourself
Unfortunately, it is bad for the mind, especially for your weight.
You will gain more weight when you eat more without even realizing it.
Do you know those negative thoughts that make you feel like giving up?
The best way to get rid of them is simply by not feeding the habit.
When we feed our feelings with bad stuff, it creates a cycle where they continue coming back for more!
So instead, think about all the wonderful things in life right now and how great your day has been so far--you're doing really well
So what does all this have to do with weight loss?
Your emotional state is the control valve that determines what you attract to your experience.
The way you speak to yourself creates beliefs and programs for your subconscious.
Therefore, you must ask yourself if you want your beliefs and your subconscious programming to be based on false-negative thoughts.
Or do you want your beliefs to be based on the truth, that you are and have always been a perfect being?
Daily thoughts
You think many thoughts every day.
You talk to yourself more than talking to anyone.
You are your most trusted advisor and confidant.
Through all the conversations you have with yourself, you would never share with anyone else because doing so would expose your "real" you.
And the real you consists of full of doubts, worries, sadness, guilt, hurts, and disappointments.
Somehow you accepted all of them that became your real truth.
But this can't be the real you.
This is the self that your ego has built to look down on you.
These negative beliefs hurt you because you believe it is true.
The sad thing is that nothing could be further from the truth.
Where did these false ideas about you originate from?
Negative beliefs
Most of the negative beliefs came from others such as from parents, teachers, co-workers, and even from your own spouse.
They may have planted the seed by saying something like "you are fat" in which you have cultivated those comments to the point that they have become your truth.
You are allowing your whole life to be controlled by some dark comments made years ago.
Although no one has the right or even has the power to dictate who you are, somehow you allowed them to.
It is not your fault, because you are very kind and sensitive.
You are the only one who knows who you really are and what your heart really feels.
When you were born, you entered this world without the burdens but with a beautiful bundle of joy filled with limitless potential and possibilities.
You still are and you are always will be.
The only difference is what you pay attention to.
If you stopped all the negative thoughts such as:
"I'm too fat..."
"Why would anyone want to love me?"
"I will never be thin..."
"I will always fail..."
Then you can set yourself free!
Rather, say these to yourself...
I would feel much better if I try to focus on the positive things.
I would feel emotionally lighter if I stopped worrying too much.
I would feel happier if I ignored the negative comments.
I would feel more secure if I have better people around me.
Positive Changes
How do you think your life would change if you went one step further and modified your internal dialogue by speaking only positively about yourself?
If you take some time to focus on what you like about yourself, then your emotional state becomes more positive.
Therefore, you can achieve anything that you want to accomplish.
Once you start believing how good you are to yourself, you will be surprised to realize that your magnificence has always been there.
You have never been anything other than that bright bundle of joy that entered the world years ago.
It's easy to discover positive aspects of yourself by asking a few questions:
What am I good at?
Who has benefited from my being in the world?
Who am I, what is in my heart that only I know?
What do I like about my body?
Your goal is to feel good now.
How do you feel now?
If you only observe the positive aspect of yourself, you will feel both good and happy.
Decide now how you want to feel.
Decide that you will always seek the good in you.
Start loving and nurturing yourself today.
Allow the joy and excitement that you naturally had as a child in order to flow into your everyday experiences.
Allow yourself to celebrate each and every success, no matter how small.
Love yourself and appreciate every opportunity you get.
Do this every day and watch your weight begin to dissolve just as your old negative beliefs about yourself begin to dissolve.
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