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Fit Slim

Keep the Weight Loss Forever By Doing Weight Training and Cardio

You can lose weight faster and more efficiently by doing weights workouts or cardio

The best way is doing a combination of both!

It sounds very exciting and motivating, yet it is too much work.

There is no easy way to lose fat other than doing these two workouts.

Yet, this is the fastest way to lose weight and fat.

How many times have you heard people say "I`m on a diet."

Then a few months later, you see the same people whose weight never changed.

Dieting can only do so much.

In fact, it is actually bad for you because it deprives you of the calories you need to function your organs.

Therefore, it is not recommended by all means.

Instead doing weight training and cardio with proper nutrition are the best way to lose weight.

Dieting means restricting

Dieting is more of restricting yourself to eat.

Some dieters will eat only one food for days on end in an attempt to lose weight.

When you are on a diet, you wouldn't want to eat and would skip meals as much as you can.

You wouldn't fill the stomach with any sort of snacks or even junk food.

Unfortunately, this often fails as soon as the stomach starts growling, and the next thing you know you let go of that restriction.

If something tastes good, then eating more than just a tiny little bite can seem like sacrilege!

Some people think that they can control their desire for certain foods; unfortunately, dieting is not a healthy process for your body and it could lead to even problems.

No matter how strict your diet is, your weight will never drop, or perhaps it will drop a few but it wouldn't be a permanent change.

Then the horror of horror, you actually started to gain weight again.

This is about fighting fat, losing weight, gaining muscles, and improving endurance.

When you diet, you lose those simply because your metabolic rate will slow down.

You don't want that!

Therefore, you need to increase your muscles, eat healthy meals, reach the caloric expenditures, and reduce fat at the same time.

Lose Fat Build Muscle

The best way to lose fat and build muscle is by following a healthy diet followed by strength training and cardio.

To lose fat and weight at the same time, you need to build muscle through heavy lifting, and then improve your cardiovascular through anaerobic and aerobic exercises.

Every pound of muscle gain requires an increase in calories burned.

It's easier than ever for someone who wants a washboard stomach and toned arms.

All you have to do now is starting off with the right process.

For example, if you are a female with the age of 30, 5'6 ft tall and 160 lbs, your BMR (Basic Metabolic Rate) is 2162 to maintain that way (160 lbs).

Now, if you want to lose 1 lb a week, you would have to consume or expend 1676 calories per day.

Therefore, you will have a 486 caloric deficit (2162 - 1676 = 486).

You would have to spend more energy more than what you eat.

The value is only an estimated number of calories you can burn per day to maintain your weight when resting.

This is only an example to give you some ideas because calorie counting is not pure science.

You would have to make an educated guess when counting / expending the calories.

Workout routine

This is the simplest way to do it.

For example, if you are a female, perform a squat: 6 sets of 5 repetitions starting with a 10 lbs. plate on each side. Then add additional 5 lbs. for every set.

Do the same sets and reps for bench press, deadlift, or any sort of weight lifting.

There is no need to muscle failure because the purpose is to gain strength and muscle.

The heavier you perform, the less repetitions you can do.

That is completely fine as long as you go heavy.

For safety concerns, you should always have someone to spot or assist you.

For anaerobic cardio, spend 45 seconds walking, then sprint for 15 seconds. Start with 5 sets of this.

For aerobic cardio, spend 20-25 minutes walking.

Remember, do not burn out yourself or put your body in fatigue, because there is no need for that.

You want to come out strong and confident every time you perform these exercises.

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