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Fit Slim

Strategies For Beginners: Simple Brilliant Ways To Teach You About Weight Loss

In 1999, almost 108 million Americans were overweight or obese

This is a problem that has been increasing steadily over time and will have dire consequences for the future health of our nation if not addressed soon with some effective policies.

There is not enough physical activity that everyone else enjoys who could benefit from the reduced risks associated with being overweight.

The obesity epidemic is a serious problem and it's predicted that we will reach “epidemic levels" by 2020; therefore, the obesity epidemic is a major problem that needs to be dealt with.

One way to prevent this scenario is to educate people about the risk of being overweight or obese.

And it starts with you!

Here are a few of the diseases that you risk from carrying a lot of extra pounds:


heart disease





Losing weight can prevent and control these diseases

Most of the time, diet results are only temporary.

Better to trust a healthy weight loss option that will provide lifelong results.

You should set realistic goals and not expect to lose a lot of pounds in a short period of time.

Here are some tips on how you can lose those unwanted pounds the healthy way

Don't sleep late at night

This is going to take discipline, but it's worth the sacrifice.

You'll have more of what matters when you only do one thing today instead of watching late-night TV for hours every day and missing out on your goals.

Start your day with a good breakfast

If you're starting your day off on the wrong foot, it's time to turn things around.

Eating breakfast is the most important meal of your day, so you need to make sure it tastes good and keeps you full.

Your breakfast should be just right- delicious but also light enough so that later on in the morning when all those cravings hit they don't take over!

Always eat healthy small meals

Five small snacks a day is better than three large meals.

Overeating can be prevented more often and in small portions. It will also increase your metabolism and burn calories faster.

Don't Starve yourself

The key to a healthier way to lose weight: Don't diet.

You may look happy and feel as though you are getting rid of unwanted lumps in your stomach and thighs by skipping meals.

But keep in mind that it won't take long.

Your body cannot tolerate the lack of food to replenish the energy you use up each day.

If you get into the habit of skipping one or two meals a day, your stored calories will be used up instead of the energy that should have been provided by your meal.

So if you eat one big sandwich in one day, it will go straight to your problem area (e.g. highs, buttocks, thighs).

Avoid Too Much Sugar

Plan meals that are high in fruit and vegetables, some bread, rice, or pasta for the set amount of carbohydrates you need, and lean meats and protein-rich foods.

Sweets, sodas, and baked goods should only be consumed once per meal.

Drink lots of water

Drink lots of water and eat healthy snacks to stay hydrated while you are on the go.

I'm sure sitting at your desk all day isn't just as bad for us, but it certainly can make anyone feel dehydrated!

So take this advice: drink plenty (if not too much) throughout the workday; try eating something salty or carbohydrate-rich every three hours or so like an apple with a peanut butter bagel which will keep blood sugar steady.

Watch your fat intake

Fat is not the culprit to being overweight, and you need this for a healthy body weight!

There are such things as "healthy fats," like olive oil or peanut butter - but be careful if these sources of calories come from processed foods that contain lots more sugar than protein in them (like most donuts).

Take Omega-3s that will keep heart function up while omega 6 fatty acids promote inflammation which leads to many problems down south including diabetes 2.


You may have heard of the benefits of exercise but haven't really thought about it for yourself.

If an individual does thirty minutes every day, a reduction in body weight averaging 1-2 pounds each week.

Exercising regularly is a great way to burn calories and get fit.

It can also help you feel better about your body, have stronger bones (which means less risk for osteoporosis), reduce the chance of chronic disease in adulthood like heart problems or diabetes!

Set your goals

Keep your goals realistic.

Ultimately, it's almost impossible for you to loose 10pounds in a week.

Try to stick to a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Once you've decided on a weight loss plan or program, stick to it and make sure you are following your own set of dietary recommendations.

The best diet is the one you eat.

Make sure that your personal nutritional requirements fit into every day and maintain a strict routine of eating healthy food which will lead to quicker weight loss!

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